2023 Rapid City, South Dakota
2022 Cleveland, Ohio
2019 Minneapolis, Minnesota
2018 Wilmington, North Carolina
2017 Spokane, Washington
Plank Owner – Charlie Bliss
WWII – Don Schaufelberger and Charlie Bliss
Korea – Earl Herbert, Aldo Sansoni and Thomas Judge
Peace Time
Group of USS Ajax attendees
Home of Bing Crosby

Cruise on Lake Coeur d’Alene
Skyway Cafe at Honor Point Museum
Faragut State Park
2016 New Orleans, Louisiana
National WWII Museum

Lunch and show at Stage Door Canteen: Great time!!!!
Some shipmates got kisses from the girls at the lunch show. RIP Mr. Willis; we will miss your smiling face.
Bob Bauman got a kiss and a rose. I think he is blushing.

2015 Nashville, Tennessee
Our new USS Ajax banner
Kenny Jackson brought another cake this year for the 72nd Birthday of the USS Ajax
Visited historic RCA Studio B where Elvis and other performers recorded their records.
Country Music Hall of Fame
Elvis Cadillac
Pontiac Firebird from Smoky and the Bandit II

Just a bunch of guys having a beer: Ron Burns, Mike Burns, Jerome McKenna, Wilford Roe and John Shattuck
Grand Ole Opry – saw Hunter Hays, Rascal Flatts
Getting ready for the banquet and raffle
Plank Owner Bob Bolte and his grandson Chad Bigwood. Bernice we missed you.
Mitch started the banquet off with “Anchors Away”.
Group Shots: Plank Owners
R4 Division
Women of the Ajax
2014 Pensacola, Florida
Hospitality Room
Blue Angels Practice Show at NAS Pensacola

NAS Pensacola Museum…..
Veterans Memorial Park

USS Alabama
2013 San Diego, California
Picture of all USS Ajax shipmates
Holiday Inn – Bayside
Hospitality Room
Hotel Del Coronado – Coronado Island
USS Never Sail
USS Midway

The kissing sailor
Hospitality Room
Tour of USS Chancellorville
Flags at Base Entrance
Hornblower Dinner Cruise

Seaport Vilage
Kenny Jackson and Dill Bell relaxing at Seaport Vilage…
Zuehlsdorf came in his original Navy uniform……

2012 Waterloo Iowa
Group photo
Ramada Hotel and Conference Center
John Deere Factory Tour
Sullivan Brothers Convention Center
Cake donated to USS Ajax Reunion by Kenny Jackson
Amana Colonies

Grout Museum and Sullivan Brothers Museum

Banquet – Plank Owner Bob Bolte and his lovely wife, Bernice
Our guest speaker, Granddaughter of Albert Sullivan, Kelly Sullivan Loughren
2011 Baltimore, Maryland


Washington DC

Fort McHenry


2010 Duluth, Georgia
Downtown Atlanta – Capitol Building
Museum of Patriotisum

Gerogia Aquarium – the largest aquarium in the world

Stone Mountain

Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Carter Center

The Oval Office of Jimmy Carter
The Banquet – Tables with items for raffle

Doing the HOKEY POKEY !!!!!
Bob Bolte serenading the group
Bernice Bolte cutting the rug to Bob’s song
2009 San Antonio, Texas —– Under construction
2008 Charleston, South Carolina
Group Pictures

Hospitality Room

Fort Sumter
Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
USS Yorktown